Monday, June 23, 2003


thanks to all who responded to my last essay. I had no idea it would stir quite an issue. i find many disagree (no surprise there) but i also found a couple of people who kind of allowed the idea to be worth considered. again, thanks for the emails, messages and comments. :)

classes are almost done. and this weekend has been the most hectic yet. funnily enough i did find some time to read about elven and tolkien's many many invented languages. it has always been something i've wondered and awed about - the creation of new languages.

well i decided to experiment and wrote a short poem in elven. it's not exactly poetic since my vocabulary still sucks (not to mention there's bound to be plenty of grammatical errors). i'm not quite sure as to which language it is exactly but it's definitely not Sindarin, which was the language widely used in the movie. so it may not sound as pretty as it did when arwen or aragorn was speaking it. then again aragorn can make anything sound pretty :p. i'm guessing it's an inaccurate version of Sindarin or maybe just common elvish. by the way, it's written in Tengwar, not tamil. if you don't know what i mean, you will when you see the writing ;)

"Lirit ten' Mellonamin"

harthanen le sui ha!

Wednesday, June 18, 2003


one word to describe summer classes: intense.

And boy are they fast!

Anyhoo, i've finally taken time off to write. I've written a short story which was a result of one of my many sleepless nights. Lately i've been getting only 2-3 hours worth of sleep. And somehow i still manage to stay awake in class. The fact that i dont miss my 1030 class is a miracle itself.

Yesterday i participated in an experiment which paid $25. nyahahaha. i could do this for a living. All i had to do was sit down for 45 minutes and answer some decision making under uncertainty questions. They usually have experiments like this and post them all over the school. The other day as I was staring at the noticeboard somewhere on campus, I technically had made $110. Even if you don't take part in the experiment, fantasizing that you did and pretending you earned all that money is fun enough, believe me.

Point of digression. People who know me know that it seems at times i distance myself from crowds. I've been wondering about that. not such a big thing, but it has raised some questions. Here i wrote a short essay on friends and friendship; which in this case borrows a lot from my personal experience. The essay may seem hostile, but i've decided that i'd take nozick's approach on things: through skepticism. I figured the results of my final conclusion could be interesting if i start off by questioning my topic through pure ignorance and dubiety. Having said that, try not to judge me on the basis of this sole essay.

"Part I: Friend…. Or Entity of Validation"

Monday, June 02, 2003


hey! i'm still aliiiiiiiiiive!!!

p/s: happy birthday ngah!!!