Tuesday, February 26, 2002


Something to think about....

This Photo was the "Pulitzer Prize" winning photo taken in 1994 during the Sudan famine. The picture depicts a famine stricken child crawling towards a UN food camp located a kilometre away.

The vulture is waiting for the child to die so it can eat it.

Seconds after I opened this in my e-mail, I felt a bizzare sense of dejection. The picture was extremely disturbing and somehow, for some reason I cannot explain, I felt the minutest feeling of guilt.

Why does this happen? This is not a novel question, nor is it a question most people take the time to think about - yours truly included, sad to say. Why, in this time and age, does famine happen anyway?? Here we are, sitting in front of our personal-one thousand something dollar-computers, eating corn chips in abundance... and there are people who actually die of starvation??! That's totally surreal.

Famine and starvation, for most of us, has only been topics of debates we toy around with for our amusement. It's amazing how popular this issue is used in almost every school debate and international dialogue.

Then why the ignorance and shock upon witnessing this honest depiction of life?

Much as I am intrigued by this unfortunate state of affairs, I do not know the answer as to why such a reaction happens. I figure I am still deemed ignorant and indifferent, even if I do shed a tear in facing the realization of the world's state (which in fact I did). Pity and remorse does not help. Nor does it help to simply acknowledge the predicament that half the world population is facing.

... however, I do believe that it's a good way to start...


Something fishy is going on....

... what's been bugging me these last few days is the absence of my Programming lecturer. Class was cancelled last Friday when we were so "eager" to hand in our designs for our project. I was pretty dumbfounded when I reached class that morning and saw the white sheet of paper flapping at the entrance of the class, announcing that it was cancelled for the day. Class cancelled? That doesn't happen very often now does it, here in CMU? A little dazed, I headed back. That night, I opened the course website which has always, without fail, posted our homework for the day. Miraculously, there were no announcements or explanations as to why class was cancelled. Weird. This is programming class we're talking about here!!! Anyway... I woke up early this morning just so that I could go to my programming class again. But when I got there, there was a new piece of paper - bearing the same message. Cancelled again!!??!? Now that, is freaky. I mean, how often do lecturers cancel class anyway? It doesn't happen much. Especially here where Programming seems to be the "consecrated" subject. I am suddenly very much aware of the ample time I have on my hands because of the absence of my programming assignments. I feel rather incompetent. Not that I'm complaining.

... so, for the time being, I think I'll bask in this new found freedom... for I know it will end soon *sigh*

Saturday, February 23, 2002


Raya tomorrow!!!

Yes... raya's here again... *sigh*... how I miss mum's soto, rendang, lontong....... :'(

Anyway... I've had to postpone my reading again. Seems that I have to finish two history books by March. So I can't continue Eco anytime soon. It's getting pretty busy for me now since I've started my Programming project and all. Along called this morning to wish me a Happy Aidiladha, and I got to hear Arif Afiq's babble for a few minutes :). That made my day.

I spent last night watching Metallica (thanks Amir :p) and I'm planning to do the same thing tonight. That'll be my Raya eve. So if I don't respond to any messages tonight, pardon me. I am probably going gaa-gaa over Kirk Hammet.

Well... I hope all you other people are spending Raya eve in a more festive way than I am. And if you are, don't bother to brag to me about it :p~...

... have a good one people!!!! cheers...

Friday, February 22, 2002


My roomie is having trouble with BMG.

You know those "Buy 1 get 12 cd's free" thingy's? Well, ever since she applied for the service they've kept on sending her cd's and charging them to her account. And if she doesn't reply to choose which cd's she wants, they'll send in the featured artist's cd instead. And guess who the featured artist for this month is?? Aaron Carter!!! Hahhahahahaha!! Well I guess that was just the last straw. Plus they charged her $22 for the lousy cd.

We tried looking for the number to call to cancel her membership but they never provided it. Then we looked for the site they gave us - which was full of broken links. Well, she finally did find the site to cancel her membership. But only after she'd blocked her bank account and opened a new one. The crummy idiots.

Anyway, all is well and good now (we hope!), and we're praying to see to a new month without any of those cursed mail in the mailbox. Seeing Aaron there in hers finally snapped her patience.

Well... let this be a lesson: If it sounds too good to be true; it'll definitely come with a price later on...

Thursday, February 21, 2002


To all you Final Fantasy fans out there... this just might be your thing...

"You're Lulu. You seem a little insensitive to those who don't know you very well, due to your cynical nature. Your mind is always thinking of things,
big and small. You have a tough time of letting go of the past. You also like to bash people with plushies for fun and then fry them up with some tasty magic~! XD"
Which Final Fantasy X Character would YOU be?

...was browsing through the net looking for lan cards for my sis in the UK when I came across this. No I am not a fan. Heck, I don't even know who Lulu is (though I do know a guy who has her picture on his computer :p). Seriously though, I don't see what the big deal is about this game - heheh... looks like I'm asking for trouble by all those die-hard Final Fantasy-watchamacallit fans out there - but really, I don't. Maybe it's just because I'm not into video games and stuff. I dunno.

Anyway, I've finally started reading Umberto Eco's The Island of the Day Before - a book I've been keeping on my shelf for the last 5 months. I've only just read the first few pages, but I like what I've read so far. I am now trying to read more books by foreign writers as their ideas and sense of humor differ from each other. And it's actually fun to see this change in style and the manner in which they approach their stories.

Well I gotta run now... my bed is calling me :p~ I have to be fresh tonight to look over my project and my Multicultural summary. So I do need to rest. Later then~

... Oh, and don't forget to take the FFX test!!!...

Tuesday, February 19, 2002


Lenny Kravitz's Stillness of Heart (thanks Kerr!!) is cool - it resonates a typical Kravitz sound, if you know what I mean...

Tuesdays are the best. I've only two classes, Multicultural and Calc Recitation, and I'm fond of both. I'm officially done by 1:20pm which leaves me the rest of the day to sleep, procrastinate and do whatever.

It's getting warmer now here in Pittsburgh. But I won't be surprised if it suddenly snows tomorrow. I've given up trying to predict the weather. And it's actually getting fun to wake up in the morning, look out the window, and see the ground covered in snow when you least expect it. People say that's the drawback of Pittsburgh; I kinda like the schizophrenic weather. Though it is a pain at times...

I'm going to treat myself a movie tonight, as it's been quite some time (two days ago??!) since I've watched one. Fight Club comes to mind. Who can resist Brad Pitt??

Anyway... it's 1:20am now so I'd better start watching if I wanna be up for class tomorrow morning... *sigh* ...




I've only just finished adding a new page to this site. In case you haven't realized it's the art page. Just some stuff I added for you to criticize :p

Well it's the beginning of another week (darn!) and all I can think of is Spring Break. The weeks are going by so fast that they just seem to roll into one another and then suddenly you're at the start of another dreaded Monday. The funny thing is, Spring Break doesn't even seem to be coming any nearer. Talk about relativity :p.

Last night I stayed up all night doing my torturous Programmming (which was due the next day), praying that 8 o'clock the next morning wouldn't come. Alas, relativity played it's role again. However I did manage to send it in on time. Of course thanks to Amir, King and Husni :) . It was an exceptionally tough night for me and my roomies as we were all pouring over lines and lines of codes, and in the end we made some (rather bland) soup and sat watching Twister on Lynn's computer. Aaaaah - soup definitely does work wonders!!

I have yet to read George Orwell's Politics and the English Language for class tomorrow, so I'd better get cracking on it. A friend has been bugging me about it and I guess the sooner I read it, the sooner he'd leave me alone. Yes Lan, you're bugging me :) .

So cheerio for now because I'm off to Schatz for dinner to get my 7 buck's worth of vegetarian food (ugh!), and hopefully some good deserts. Bon Apetit!

Sunday, February 17, 2002



I have finally finished my first website ever! Yay!! It took me approximately a month to figure out Dreamweaver and Photoshop, and hey presto! - after a week's worth of tinkering around with my computer and bugging Izan (heheh.... see, I mentioned you :p) - this is it!!!

Yes, it may suck but at least I do have a website now. And even if the words "butt-ugly" cross your minds right now, I wouldn't care.

I don't know what possessed me to make one in the first place, and I don't exactly have a goal to achieve (in fact I question why other people make personal websites myself :p). But here I am - with mine - and I guess it's just self-satisfaction.

So... now that I'm done, I'm finally gonna take away that "Busy" sign from my MSN and start treating my friends right again. But before that, I think I'll take a nap and chill on my bed....

p/s: Happy Birthday Kak Asni!!! Love you lots! :)