Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Power-Juicers Anonymous

I developed a cold in the past few days. Most likely to have been caught from Arif, Afiq, Marsya or Nureen. It's easy to catch colds with kids running amok around the house.

Ajim arrived at 10 A.M., just as I was about to nod off, and we headed out to have lunch with the newlyweds, Imaan and Nazmi. Having sniffed all the way up to KL (with Ajim cheekily remarking, "You look so cute with snort dripping down your nose"), I rationally opted for plain noodle soup. It's bad enough that I don't get out often, but to have my lunch choices limited to porridge and chicken broth was really depressing.

When I arrived home, I saw a huge box parked outside my parents door. It had written on it "Jack La Lane's Power Juicer". I know my mum has been eyeing that juicer for at least a year now. She would take breaks from the kitchen in the morning and sit in front of the telly watching all the adverts on kitchen utensils, fat burners, muscle tuners and face whiteners. And at the end of each advert she'd scribble down the number shown on the tv and tell me how good these products are because they're shown to a large audience with a man behind a camera.

Now that my dad has retired and has opted a healthier lifestyle of jogging every other day and cutting down on his sugar, mum must have somehow succeeded in prodding him to pay the RM700 for this nifty contraption. To be honest though, the Juicer has been the most exciting thing we have bought since the Thigh-Burner Bicycle mum and dad bought some 5 years ago (of which less than a year of it was spent using the bicycle).

After dinner dad asked Akak and I to assemble it. (Evidently it takes one pharmacist and one system analyst to assemble a Power Juicer.) Everyone was excited and we all crowded around our new family member. Apparently dad had rushed to the store that evening just to buy RM2 worth of carrots. The 'fridge had already been stocked up with fruits by mum that morning. We started off with carrots.

It took approximately 5 to 6 carrots to fill half a mug and 2 apples to fill the bottom of a glass before the Juicer stalled. I immediately started laughing at the sheer irony of 4 grown-ups standing around a juicer making carrot juice and watching it stall. Mum was adamant that it was supposed to stall for a bit and said that Jack himself had shoved in whole apples, core and all. Not wanting to admit to having spent a fortune on the juicer only to have it break, dad took it apart and made us clean the parts and reassemble it. Thankfully, it started purring again, and out came that apple juice Jack promised.

Although the Juicer stalled the first time, we were all ready to give it a chance. The carrot juice was heavenly and the apple juice, phenomenal. You immediately felt like all your ails were gone and that your body was healthier. Dad and I immediately made a vow to drink carrot juice by the gallon, everyday.

I have a feeling we'll be having just a little too much fun with the Juicer after all.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Beaches and Cream!

Ahem. My new month's resolution would be to travel within Malaysia more.

My sis and I went to Penang over the weekend for Aida's and Imaan's wedding. It was the first time we had traveled alone together and the second time visiting Penang. It was also the first time we had ever been to a dual wedding :) The wedding on Sunday was grand. Both Imaan and Aida looked amazing. And I caught a glimpse of Nicol David too, heheh.

That Saturday we headed to the beach. It was fun just walking around with our shoes off, digging our toes in the sand and avoiding dead squids and sharp shells brought in by the waves. My sis and I were truly tourists that day, having not been to the beach in so long. At the first sight of the sea I couldn't help but exclaim, "Look! The sea!" We stayed at the beach til just after sunset; all of us sitting on a lone log just staring at the sea and talking random nonsense. Such luxuries are definitely absent in Bangi :) Later we had dinner at a mamak stall with 3 flat-screens. All of which were showing Akademi Fantasia :p The food was delicious and surprisingly cheap. RM2.50 for a bowl of mee rebus? Heaven for the unemployed ;)

The weekend proved to be too short for us since we didn't get to do half the things we planned. But it was indeed worth it and great fun. I can't help but envy those who live so near the beach.

It's no wonder Penangites are passionalte about this small island :)