Friday, October 29, 2004


...any excuse to use vulgarities...

bloodmoon We stood on the roof of fairfax apartments and got a clear view of the lunar eclipse. Amazingly the sky was clear and the moon shown really bright. Earth's shadow started creeping around 9:20-ish and we stood there making comments about the wonders of nature. Yeah, it was pretty uneventful, save that of the phenomenon unfolding above us, and yeah we did get a little bored (someone left the roof to go play PS :p). But it was a nice moment just sitting there watching the sky and doing absolutely nothing. An hour of craning my neck to see the moon turn red? Totally worth it.

It must have been the longest I've ever been away from my laptop :)

Thursday, October 28, 2004


Apart from the confusing weather, a lot in my life has been confusing lately. Monday, eh? it's Monday again, you say?

These past few weeks have been a mixture of programming, apple cobblers and data diagrams. It's all very well, but I am also torn between being the grumpy senior i should very well be and actually enjoying these last couple of months as a student. I emailed Kim last night in the midst of debugging my brain: "Kim I couldn’t sleep last night thinking abt your apple cobbler. Can I have the recipe please please pretty please?" and it may be a sign of utter craziness overtaking my faculties.

I also stood outside in the cold for a whole half hour late last evening, waiting for an eclipse due tonight.

It must be the alignments of the planets...

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Jayce disrupted the class on Monday. Made a commotion about not having a place to sit and then telling Stephanie off for having too much elbow room ("You! Yeah, you! You moved like, not at all. Thanks a lot!").

The rest of us were confused more than anything else. Morning classes rarely spares us the surprise of any event, save that of people trickling in 10 minutes late. So yeah, we were pretty shocked.

So Jayce starts whispering to the girl next to him, who in turn looks like she's squirming in her seat but is trying to humor a psychological child killer. Apparently he wasn't quite finished aiming daggers at Steph.

15 minutes into the lesson, Jayce slips off his chair and falls onto the floor unconscious faster than you can say "John & John!". We're all a little surprised, then start looking at each other, giggling.

One of two things:
1. Jayce was on some sort of medication/some large dose of valium gone wrong for his relief of skeletal muscle spasm and tremor suffered through cerebral palsy
2. Jayce was drunk

Professor Cramer continued class and we all left him in his vegetative state, no doubt dreaming of chasing rabbits in lush green meadows.

Friday, October 01, 2004


Has it really been a month? Strangely, I'm still enjoying myself this semester. Normally the excitement wears off near the second week of school. Fishy, fishy :)

Had my official meeting with Ken the tech guy yesterday to get things sorted out. First day at work was ok. But now i have to re-read my JAVA notes and brush up on my programming, though I doubt I'd be doing anything that tough. I'm still a little scared. Then again I can't complain: who else gets to do work related to their major and at the same time with the Language Department :)

Pittsburgh is getting chilly. It's that time of year. Two weeks ago Kim and I made dinner at her place. We made fish with stir-fried veggies (what else? :p) and baked potatoes. I must say it was really yummy. Plus it was fun going to the supermarket to choose the fish. But nothing beats the wet, smelly pasars back at home :)

Ah, to have a serving of ikan bawal putih...

Oh, and by the way, I saw Metallica last week :)