Tuesday, May 20, 2003


I can't recall the last time I wrote a poem in it's proper form; with neatly arranged stanzas and rhyming verses. So I decided to try my hand at it today. Excuse the non-imaginative title, but anything else would've been less accurate ;)

"Foolish Ardor" by yours truly

Sunday, May 18, 2003


it's been 3 years since i've dabbled with paints, so don't expect much...


Saturday, May 17, 2003


It has been 3 days since my finals ended, but i've only just regained consciousness today. Yes, I slept all day everyday. But I also managed to do a large scale laundry session which took me 4 trips up and down from the basement to my room on the 7th floor and also costed me $9.00 in expenses for washing and drying. Apart from that, while my 3rd batch of clean clothes were neatly folded for me when i went down to retrieve them from the dryer, half my final batch of clean clothes were stolen. I figure the 3 pieces of shirts and t-shirt they left for me were too hideous to take. No matter how much people claim that humanity is at risk of extinction, this proves that there's still a little left in all of us. For leaving those 3 articles in my laundry basket, I thank you.

Enough laundry talk. I've finally watched The Matrix (yes the first one) and all I can say is, "WOOHOOO!!!". Honestly it's mind blowing. And the plot, awesome and original. Especially after having watched so many movies which are most likely to be set in two of the highly profiled genres which are sci-fi (read Star Wars) and fantasy (read LOTR). Not that i don't love them either, but The Matrix is refreshing. With stories like The Matrix and also authors such as Neil Stephenson, this may very well be an opening to a new set of genre which may soon be shelved independently (I believe it is currently catgorized under sci-fi) alongside science fiction and fantasy on the fiction rack.

Well this summer I have a project going on which I hope to begin soon. I've gotten all the material i need and all that's left to do is get down to it and start cracking. But first of all I need to kill the habit of watching TV which has been gripping me these past few days. I realize that TV kills your imagination.

I have a couple more "handarts" to post. A tad old since they were done weeks before finals. But i've been busy.