hehe....busy busy...anyway, had a great snowball fight last night! Naturally I was, as Usamah puts it, "the sitting duck" which was continuosly the target of snowballs and more snowballs. I think I managed to get the most snow in my sweater too, courtesy of Azlan and Amir. The other girls did fare better than me.
Fact number 1: Some creatures eyes glow in the dark. They reflect light back through the retina.
Most animals that are active at night have eyes that glow to improve their night vision in order to make it easier for them to catch their prey.
Anyhow, I managed to play til my legs went numb. By the time we reached Kiva for some good old coffee, we were cold, exhausted and wet. Oh, and the guy behind the counter even got a shot at me. The little prick.
As soon as Lynn and I reached our apartment, I took off my sweater and a few pounds of snow (which was conveniently 'stored' by Lan, no doubt) came out. Apart from managing to bring back snow from our little game, I also got a bad sore throat and a slight flu. Yeargh! Snow makes one feel alive.
Well I've been missing much of more important entries, so let's recap a little:
Nov 22 - Last minute scramble to get Philo paper due
Nov 23 - can't focus anymore....hurryupthanksgiving...
Nov 24 - hurryupthanksgiving...
Nov 25 - hurryupthanksgiving...
Nov 26 - hurryupthanksgiving...
Nov 27 - Thanksgiving hols is finally here!!
Nov 28 - slack off big time...muahahahaha!
Nov 29 - THANKSGIVING! I cooked turkey!!!!!! (no casualties)
Nov 30 - Shopping at Grove City! Spend spend spend!
Dec 1 - Tries in vain to complete 500 pages of philo
Dec 2 - Last minute scramble to prepare for philo exam
Dec 3 - Panic panic panic!
Dec 4 - ARIF AND AFIQ'S 2nd BIRTHDAY!!! *hugs*
Philo Exam and Programming Mastery (I passed my Mastery! yay!)
Dec 5 - SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!! last day of classes for the semester!
Dec 6 - SNOWBALL FIGHT!!! Woohoo!
...the uneventful summary of Yazmin's life....2 more papers and I am done with this semester. Fini. Perfetto. Compleo.
OK... I now have to feed myself and lounge around a bit before I start cracking on my books again. Have fun and take care all!