Last night we played basketball with Julian, Charles and Dan. It was 4 against 3, and we got creamed. Oh the humiliation.
But it was all good. I haven't had so much fun playing basketball since PE back in school. It seems that the older I get the lazier I become. Not your average lazy, but so lazy that walking from my bed to my desk is a chore. Reason #1245 to get a laptop...lalallallalalala.....
The others are going skiing today, leaving me to mope around the apartment. I'm in Spring mode now and I don't feel like freezing in the snow anymore. Besides it's the Midterm Break and skiing sounds like too much work. Work no good. Sleep, yes.
For those of you who are worried I might bore myself to tears (should death not get to me first) I have been amusing myself with Sonic Foundry, a studio recording software. I managed to record my retardedness and kept it on my desktop as a reminder as to why I shouldn't play the guitar. However, it was fun fiddling with it. Another ingenious creation resulted by the proliferation of CD-ROMs. The pace of it all.
All this breakthrough in technology leaves almost no boundaries as to what can be achieved nowadays. Heck, even sheep are cloned, let alone humans (stop it Zavos! Clone plants instead!). Cloning. Let's talk about that, shall we?
We have seen many wars and have been scarred by numerous human blunders (stupidity, more like), but will cloning finally be the end of humanity? Have we suddenly discovered the potential of the human brain that we now want to play God? Or is this just a competition to quench the biologists' thirst for recreation? I believe that cloning can be advantages to the human race; for instance a stem cell can mend an injured heart pretty much naturally. But need we clone ourselves? First off, it's like the freakiest thing ever. We hardly even know what the consequences are. Didn't Dolly die young? Didn't it take over 200 embryos to make one Dolly? Somehow by some reason I really have no explanation to, I sense that eventually all this cloning business will only bring us suffering. I could give a scenario of things that could happen (all invalid of course) if I let my thoughts run wild, but I don't feel like going there. Besides I might make myself look stupid. But bottomline is, we should let God run the course of human creation. We know that a tip of a particular gas in the air will imbalance the ecosystem and that an illegal frog brought to Australia might screw the whole food chain (this fact is based entirely on The Simpsons), so why don't we take our meddly hands off all of this? Let's not find out what the consequences are. Watch Star Wars and learn.
It's 10.30am and all this thinking is not good for me. Me go eat now. And remember, don't clone anyone.