Apparently, here it is not called "internship", but instead has a much more fancier name. Now when people give me the "who-the-heck-are-you?" look, i don't tell them i'm an intern; i tell them i am "under industrial training". Hah!
Today was mighty interesting though. Except for the part where I had to wake up at 6am and head out the house in a rush to beat the traffic. I ended up skipping breakfast and have mum call dad up (numerous times) in the car to ask if i had everything i needed. She also conveniently reported that i had left my pen on her bed. It turned out that i had not remembered to pack a pen anyway, so how could i have left that one on her bed.
Anyway, despite the stupid rain, I reached IBM at 8:15am only to realize I had no card to enter the office. But it didn't matter much because En. Hasan showed up soon enough, and 5 minutes later we picked up Mrs. Veronica Ong and were on our way to MSC for my first meeting ever.
We arrived at MSC 10 minutes late due to the downpour, but naturally we weren't the last to show up. I had been briefed by En. Hasan about the meeting. As i was only present to observe the meeting, i wasn't terribly worried. However i was afraid that i would nod off and start to snore gently. After all, when was the last time i had participated in anything scheduled at 9.30 in the morning?? Upon entering the meeting room, being the observant person that i am, the first thing i saw were the plates of
meehoon goreng; neatly arranged along with bottled water, cups and saucers and pieces of cakes. I asked Mrs. Ong if all meetings were like this - to which she replied with a laugh (evil, to my ears :( ) and a final shake of her head.
Not surprisingly I had to pinch myself to keep awake. But i did get some note-taking done. Back in Damansara during lunch, En. Hasan discussed the meeting with me. It was interesting that i was given the chance to relay my perspective on the meeting. Nicer still, i was able to experience first hand the do's and don'ts of chairing a meeting. Books might have described it similarly, but nothing beats sitting smack in the middle of one.
The weather seemed to be saying stay-in-bed-with-all-the-covers-on. But despite that, it was a great day.