i am ecstatic between having too much caffeine and having successfully developed my film.
melissa, paul, chris and i met up at the darkroom. why 4 people? well it helps to have moral support. especially since there's a high tendency to mess things up with the chemicals and all that good stuff.
i am not a fan of being in the dark, and that's what unloading your film entails (hence the term 'darkroom' if you havent figured that out). you basically lock yourself in a room and immerse yourself in total darkness. darkness in which your eyes wont adjust to over time and the type where it wont make any difference whether you close or open your eyes. i got a bit dizzy and am curious how a claustophobic would deal with this.
the trick is to visualize everything you're doing in your head. at this point your touch senses is all that counts. so you unload your film (after having cracked open the film roll out of the cartridge with a can opener), wind it onto the reel, and place it in your tank. all in the dark.
the chemicals are tricky. i had no idea things had to be so precise. and the measurement is nerve wrecking - the chemicals even have to be at a certain temperature to react properly to the film. you literally need a stopwatch for this and keep the rhythm of your agitation. it's hard work i tell you. i feel i should just quit and do an MBA (NOT!!!!)
anyhoo, after all that stuff you dry the negative film (which hopefully if you did it right, there'll be pictures on them). i freaked out because i couldnt see mine immediately. but they showed up after awhile :D
and all that took 2 hours.
all worth it :)